Dianne S. Partee Memorial Scholarship
A Community Care Food & Clothing Pantry Program

The Community Care Food & Clothing Pantry is proud to announce the creation of the Dianne S. Partee Memorial Scholarship Award in 2018. Ms. Partee was an executive board member and co-founder of the Community Care Food and Clothing Pantry.
Dianne S. Partee (deceased), a retired educator who championed education and community service through her career, church, and her community was the co-founder and primary funder of the Community Care Food & Clothing Pantry. Ms. Partee passed in June of 2017. Ms. Partee dedicated her time and talents to a number of ministries at her church. She was the church’s founding secretary, deaconess, Sunday School superintendent, Sunday School teacher, new members class teacher, dean of the Seminary, and Vacation Bible School director. Merging her professional and church work, she even established the church’s annual Black History Month program. She won countless awards recognizing her as a leader in education, a champion of African and African American studies and a generous philanthropist. Ms. Partee graduated from Germantown High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and principal certification from Cheyney University and supervisory certifications in curriculum and instruction and secondary education from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dianne S. Partee

Scholarship Guidelines and Details
Candidates must be in the 12th grade (Seniors in High-school)
Must be planning to attend an accredited College or University
Candidate must be entering the field of education (i.e. teacher, counselor, trainer, professor)
Awardees must be able to provide a first year report/update on their education journey (Once they have started school)
Applicants can apply from any public or private school in the Delaware Valley
Must have a community service background or history
GPA Average is reviewed on a case by case basis
Applicant cannot be a relative of the executive board or any scholarship committee member
How To Apply
1. Applicants must submit a request for an application by completing the form below.
2. An essay will be required to be considered. Details will be sent following receipt of your form.
3. Deadline for applications are now June 17th, 2023 (12:00am).
All recipients will be notified. Awardees will receive their scholarship funds at the conclusion/completion of their 12th grade year (at graduation). We will work with the guidance office(s) of that school to ensure our scholarship program is registered and announced during any school-held scholarship ceremonies.